Saturday, March 21, 2009

Damn teasers....

So as I do just about every day, I was checking the news section of the Green Day website, when I saw a post simply titled "GET READY..." which only had this video. I am still freaking out about 21st Century Breakdown and teaser videos like this just makes my heart rate go through the roof. You know you've made it as a band when you can do that to people. Green Day, I can't fucking wait!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Tools

So I just recently downloaded and installed a few new Windows Live tools. Right now, I’m testing out Windows Live Writer. It’s a tool used to create and edit blogs. I’ve never liked the Blogger set up for posting blogs. Especially when I want to post something with pictures. It’s always hard to get the pictures and text to line up so it looks normal, like a regular website. However, now with Live Writer, I am about to test out the picture thing.

IMG000069 Alright, so that’s pretty cool. I love the various effects like the little reflection at the bottom there. I think I’ll be using Windows Live Writer from now on. Good job Windows!